If you’ve made a DesignLab library and want to make a tutorial for it, or just want to help out with existing Papilio tutorials then watch this video. It covers how the WordPress backend works for the Learn.GadgetFactory.Net website.
Edit Post
After you click on the option to edit the post, it should bring you to a page with just the overview and link to the YouTube video.
Verify Correct Settings Are Showing
It is important that you see the Easy Content Template in the upper right corner and the Snippet Vault in the right panel. If these are not showing, click on Screen Options and make sure they are checked.
Load Template
You want to begin by cutting the information (overview and YouTube video) so that it is available to paste later. Then, go to the Easy Content Template section. Select the Basic Template, uncheck Title and Excerpt. Click Load Template.
Create Overview and Full Walkthrough Video
This is very important. Keep in mind that the first 20 words are what is going to show up at learn.gadgetfactory.net on the main page. Here is where you will paste the overview and YouTube link that was copied earlier. You would move the YouTube link to Section 1 and rename it Full Video Walkthrough.
Watch Video to Identify Steps
You will now need to watch the video to identify the steps. You want to look at it as a step-by-step guide. After you have identified what the first step is, you will need to pick a point in the video where the step is performed and stop the video. Then, create the section for that step, entering information from the video.
After you’ve entered your text explaining the step, you’re going to need to take a screenshot of the YouTube video. Make sure the video is showing at the highest resolution and open the video in full screen. Check to make sure that the video is stopped at a good place to show the step being performed. You can use any screen capture tool to take the screenshot. Save the screenshot to a place where it is readily available. Once you have your screenshot saved, go back to the Edit Post screen. Click on the Add Media (or Alt-Shift-M) -> Upload File -> Select File. Check the alignment and size, and then click Insert into post.
Inserting the Video Clip
Another great thing to do it to break down the video into clips. Each clip will show the exact step being described. First, you need to determine the starting and stopping points for the clip. Then, we want to embed the clip. To do this, go to the Snippet Vault section, hover your cursor over Youtube Video Clip and select Add to Editor.
This will add a line of text. Here is where you will need to add your information.
CkYw03lwhE0 = The name of the video from the YouTube window. It will come immediately after watch?v= in the address bar.
start = The start time of the video clip in seconds. For example, if you want the clip to start at the 1:17 minute mark, you would enter 77.
end = The end time of the video clip, again in seconds.
Identify Remaining Steps
As you did before, you will watch the video to determine the next step. You will give the section a name based on the step. The name will be a section header. You would then type information about the step as the description. Besides the section heading, description, screenshot, and video clip, there are a few more things you can add to your entries.
You can also create a subheading using Heading 2 (Control-2).
You can add various items such as post it notes, important reminders, and tips using the Snippet Vault.
You will continue this process until you’ve added all of the steps.
Move Full Walkthrough Video to End
It looks better if the full walkthrough video is moved to the end. To do this, you would simply cut and paste.
Video Clip of
Use H1 (Press CTL-1) for a new section